Bb Learn Tests -- Force Completion -- Disabling

If a student is forced out of a Bb Learn exam/test/quiz (hereafter, referred to as "exam") due to a technical issue or otherwise, and if you have "Force Completion" enabled on the exam, then the student will need to start the exam from the beginning again. If you want to avoid this happening, change the options for the test so that you do not have "Force Completion" enabled. This will allow students to leave the test if they wish, but also they will not be kicked out of the test if they encounter technical issues. If you have a timer set on the exam, then the timer will continue, even if they leave the test in this case. If you want students to take an exam in one sitting, then enabling the timer and auto-submit options will make sure a student only has a certain amount of time to complete a test after starting it before the test submits itself (even if the student does not have the test open). If you need help enabling the timer and auto-submit functions, let us know.

To disable "Force Completion," check feedback options and number of attempts, do the following:

  1. Find the exam submission link that students click on in your course to take the exam.
  2. Hover with your mouse over the "FINAL EXAM" submission link and click the circled down arrow.
  3. Click "Edit the Test Options."
  4. Under "TEST AVAILABILITY," uncheck "Force Completion."
  5. If you wish to enabled auto-submit and the timer on an exam, then set those options under "TEST AVAILABILITY" as well.
  6. Under "SHOW TEST RESULTS AND FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS", check and if necessary modify the options. More on these options can be found at this link in the "Feedback Options" section:

    If you allow "Multiple Attempts" on the exam (check the "TEST AVAILABILITY") area, then you will likely not want to provide the score per question, correct answers, incorrect answers, or feedback unless you set the test to show the feedback after the "Due Date," "After Availability End Date," or "After Attempts Are Graded" and the test is no longer available after the Due or "Availability End Date" as students can retake the test with information on what they got wrong.

  7. Scroll up or down and click "Submit."

Also see the link below. VERY VERY IMPORTANT!