Text editor config for WinScP

This new section covers how to connect a favorite text editor application or IDE so that when you save changes, the changes are saved to Tux or another remote server.

Set-up section:

  1. Choose "Options" from the menu bar
    Then click "Preferences"
    WinSCP Setup Text Editor 1

  2. Click "Editors" from the left side
    Then click "OK".
    WinSCP Setup Text Editor 2

  3. Select if you want to use Internal editor in Windows File Explorer
    Clicked "*.*" from the drop-down list of "Use this editor for following files".
    WinSCP Setup Text Editor 3

  4. Choose "updater" folder under "Notepad++".
    WinSCP Setup Text Editor 4

  5. Choose "Notepad++" 
    Then click "Add".
    WinSCP Setup Text Editor 6

  6. Change the default order of editor preference
    Choose "Notepad++" 
    Click "Up" to move the preference.
    WinSCP Setup Text Editor 7

  7. Click "Ok".
    WinSCP use after text editor set-up 1

Example: WinSCP uses after the text editor set-up

  1. Create a test file
    Double-click to open the file.
    WinSCP use after text editor set-up 1

  2. Make changes to files.
    WinSCP use after text editor set-up 2

  3. Save changes to files as normally you would.
    Changes are saved to file on the remote server.
    WinSCP use after text editor set-up 3