Single & Double-Sided Printing in Chrome

Tagged with: single double Chrome print

Double-sided printing in Chrome 

  1. In Chrome, right-click, select 'Print' or press 'ctrl'+'P' on your keyboard
  2. To print double-sided from either the iCommons' printers ("" or "") or Papercut's printers ("CCI Color" or "CCI BW"), click on 'More Settings' Print More Settings.PNG
  3.  Check the checkbox for 'Print on both sides' and under select 'Flip on long edge'Checkbox to Print Double-sided.PNG

One-sided printing

  1. In Chrome, right-click, select 'Print' or press 'ctrl'+'P' on your keyboard
  2. To print one-sided from either the iCommons' printers ("" or "") or Papercut's printers ("CCI Color" or "CCI BW"), click on 'More Settings' 
  3. Print More Settings.PNG
  4. Uncheck the checkbox for 'Print on both sides' Not selected checkbox to print one-sided.PNG