One way of adding extra credit assignment in Bb Learn

  • Bb Learn is ridiculously silly with making EC work in certain situations.
  • You may want to use and leave in your Student Preview user for testing. 
  • You have to use a Weighed Total column to make the grades work.

Here's an example of how to do this.

A lab ("Lab 1") was designated as Extra Credit (EC). If instructor entered only 3 points for Lab 1 for a student, and student preview user had 100% on everything else, the Student Preview users ended up with almost 107%. Which is a lot for Extra Credit for many instructors.

  1. Make a “Lab 1 EC Helper” and a “EC Helper Column" in "Full Grade Center."
  2. "Lab 1 EC Helper" is just a regular column created in Full Grade Center. Primary Display is Score.
  3. "EC Helper Column" is a standard "Total" column that includes just the "Weighted Total" column (the column calcuating the grade for the course) & the "Lab 1 EC Helper" column.
        (a) Primary Display is Percentage and Secondary Display is Score.
        (b) You will change this later most likely to Primary as Letter and Secondary as Percentage, and make this the BannerGrade column for final grade submission through Bb Learn.
  4. Grade “Lab 1” out of 100. Then took the student’s grade, divided it by 100, and multiplied by "X", and entered that result into the “Lab 1 Helper” column. 
       (a) Instructor should choose value "X" for the Extra Credit.
  5. Enter student's grade out of 100 in the "Lab 1" column. This "Lab 1" column is now just to show the grade to the student.
  6. The "Lab 1 EC Helper" column is what will have the value for the Extra Credit used b Blackboard to calculate the Extra Credit.
        (a) Instructor have to do math for what to enter into the Extra Credit column.
              For example -  Student received 85/100 into "Lab 1" and instructor decided that value of the Extra Credit 3. Then 85/100*3 = 2.52.
              So, Enter 2.52 into the “Lab 1 EC Helper” column and 85/100 into "Lab 1".
  7. Now, “Lab 1 EC Helper" column shows the desired extra credit score.
  8. Remember, here a final adjustment on the “EC Helper Column” has to be made for final grade submission and the instructor should enter some grade for everyone, even if a 0 or zero.