Discord Notifications

User Account Notifications

To change notifications for your user account:

  1. Click on the settings gear on the bottom-left side of your screen next to your User picture and name.
    Discord settings gear -bottom left next to your phto.png
  2. Scroll down to "App Settings," and click "Notifications."
    Discord Notifications - under user settings 1 .png
  3. Click ESC X to leave.
    Discord Notifications - under user settings - ESC to leave.png

Discord Server Notifications

**These settings are unique for every server your account is in

  1. Click on the server name on the top of the server navigation bar.
    Discord Server Notificaitons - click server name then notification settigns.png
  2. Click on "Notification Settings"

    "Mute" means you will not receive any notification or notification sound for messages.
    If you turn off "Mute," you can select if you want notifications for all messages, @messages (Pings), or nothing.
    If "Suppress @everyone and @here" is on, you will not receive notifications when @everyone and @here is pinged.
    If "Suppress All Role @mentions" is on, you will not receive role-related pings.

    Dicord Notification Settings - top half.png

  3. If you scroll to the bottom of "Notification Settings," you can customize individual category or channel notifications.

    (A) Click on the drop down arrow and scroll until you find the category or channel you would like to edit notifications for.
    (B) Click on that category or channel, and it will be added to the "Channel or Category" list.
    (C) Click on the boxes next to each category or channel to choose, if you want notifications for all messages, mentions, nothing, or mute it.
    Discord Notificaitons - bottom half 1.png Discord Notificaitons - bottom half 2.png

Muting Categories or Channels

In addition to using Notification Settings to mute any channels:

  1. Right-clicking on the name of a category or channel opens a menu.
  2. Hover over "Mute Category" or "Mute Channel" to mute the selected channel or category.
    Select the duration you would like the mute to last.
  3. Hover over "Notification Settings" to see a menu that will allow you to choose what kinds of messages you would like notifications for.
    Discord Mute category or channels.png