Grade Center -- Editing a Weighted Column


The instructions below will tell you how to edit a "Weighted Total" column in "Full Grade Center" in Blackboard Learn. 

This method will have Bb Learn calculate the grades for you and you’ll be ready to submit final grades at the end of the quarter.

Editing a Weighted Total Column

To modify a “Weighted Total” column, do the following:

  1. Click the circled down arrow in the top row of one of those columns in “Full Grade Center,” and click “Edit Column Information.”
  2. Make the “Column Name” be “BannerGrade". No quotation marks. No period. All one word. The B and the G capitalized as shown. No spaces.
  3. You can have the “Grade Center Name” be “Weighted Total” or blank. This is what the column appears to you as (students see the “Column Name” and that’s what “BannerGrade” needs to be set in).
  4. Primary Display is “Letter.” Secondary Display is “Percentage.”
  5. Scroll down to “SELECT COLUMNS,” click an entry in “Columns to Select,” click the upper > icon.
  6. Enter in the percentage of the overall grade for the class that the lab or assignment or graded activity counts for the course.
           -If all labs equal, just as an example, 40% of the grade, and you have 8 labs, 40/8 = 5, so enter 5%.
           -If you had 9 labs, 40/9 = 4.44444%. I’d do 5 digits if repeating digits, and just copy/paste that value into similar columns/lab/assignments.
  7. Make sure all assignments add up to 100%. Tab or click out of a percentage box to see the current total underneath the “Selected Columns” box.
  8. In “Full Grade Center,” click “Manage” and “Grading Schemas.” 
  9. Hover mouse pointer over “Letter” and click circled down arrow next to it. 
  10. Click “Edit.”
  11. Scroll down, and edit the right side of the table so it fits what you have for what is an A+, A, A-, B+, etc.
  12. Click “Submit” when finished. Then “OK.”

Note: Instructors must submit letter grades for the final grades. There is no D- final grade at Drexel.

Alternate Version

An alternate version for editing a "Weighted Total" column can be found here.