Connecting to dragonfly3 on ChromeOS or Chromebook

Quick Instructions

Connect to drexelguest (go to if no redirect to drexelguest, login with email address only), and run the dragonfly3 configuration wizard for Chromebook or Chrome OS.

It will likely FAIL, but it may do something important, and it may work one day.

Now, FORGET/remove the dragonfly3 network in the Chromebook Settings page for WiFi.

Go to Drexel dragonfly3 manual configuration webpage at

Download the cert from that dragonfly3 manual configuration page (in case needed).


Manually create a new SSID or WiFi network, 

See screenshot below for what we mean, and use the manual config dragonfly3 page above for what to enter where.


for the Server CE Certificate option field...

select Default

And Identity is Drexel username (no

Password is Drexel Pasword

"Anonymous Identity," and "Subject alternative match," and "Subject Match," and "Domain suffix match fields" are all blank.

Full Instructions

  1. Select Chrome Web Store.
    A_dragonfly3_WiFi_Config_Wizard_Chrome_Web_Sto width-500
  2. On Chrome Web Store, install the JoinNow MultiOS.
    B_dragonfly3_WiFi_config_wizard_JoinNow_MultiO width-500
  3. Save the SecureW2.onc file to your local downloads folder.
  4. Switch to the newly opened tab and import the downloaded ONC configuration file from your downloads folder.
    E_dragonfly3_WiFi_config_wizard_page_on_onc_fi width-500
  5. Under 'Import ONC File' click on choose file 

6. Choose the downloaded SecureW2.onc file from your downloads folder and click open

H dragonfly3 ONC file OPEN in Downloads

7. Select dragonfly3 as WiFi network. The Drexel dragonfly3 connection wizard often fails to work with ChromeOS, but we recommend trying it as it may work for some or in the future, and also it may do some set-up needed for the manual set-up. If dragonfly3 fails to connect for you, proceed to next steps.

I dragonfly3 WiFi config wizard - connected drexelguest

8. Connect to drexelguest. Play YouTube to confirm internet works. 


9. In your network settings under the wifi section, click on the right arrow

K dragonfly3 in SETTINGS in ChromeOS

10. Click on Forget

L dragonfly3 FORGET

11. Click on Manually add a Wi-Fi network

M dragonfly3 in SETTINGS in ChromeOS copy