Saving Wiki Pages in Chrome on a PC

Here is how to save webpages from Bb Learn in Chrome on a PC for when you no longer have access to the Bb Learn course shell, or if just need to save them outside of Bb Learn for some reason.

Note: Links to files, or media embedded in a webpage, won't be saved using this method. You'll need to either click the link to download the file, or get the link to the media, or download the media somehow.

  1. In the Google Chrome internet browser on a PC, view the Bb Learn webpage that you want to save.
    1. If some section of the webpage is collapsed or hidden from view, click to expand it.
  2. Right click within the webpage, and select "Print."
  3. Be sure the entire webpage is visible in the preview window that appears.
    1. If it is not, click "Cancel," and try right-clicking within the actual text of the webpage, perhaps further down the webpage and on text that was added by a classmate or yourself.
    2. Note that the left-hand navigation menu for Bb Learn shouldn't appear in the PDF file.
  4. In the "Destination" section, click the "Change" button.
  5. Choose "Save as PDF" from under "Local Destinations."
  6. Click "Save."
  7. Choose where you want to save the file to on your computer and save it there.
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 until you have all the webpages that you want saved.