Office 365 -- OneDrive


CCI faculty and professional staff should use OneDrive (covered here) for personal storage of Drexel files, and use ccirepo shared for finalized policy or procedure or archival documents that other faculty and pro staff may need to refer to later.

A very short overview video on what OneDrive is at the top of the Microsoft Support webpage below.

Why Install OneDrive? File Syncing, File Sharing, and Secure and Dependable File Storage

Similar to Dropbox and Google Drive, OneDrive lets you keep copies of files and folders on multiple different computers and/or mobile devices, as well as in the OneDrive web portal (also known as the OneDrive "cloud"), where they are highly unlikely to be lost, even if your computer or mobile device is lost.

When you make changes to files and folders in one place, those changes are uploaded to the "cloud" and downloaded to your other computers and mobile devices when you are logged into the OneDrive application on those computers and mobile devices.

You can share files and folders with any user, or with one or more specific other people if you have their email addresses.

You can both collaborate in real time as well, if you both work on a document opened through OneDrive in a web browser.

Accessing files and folders requires a Microsoft Account. Those without a Microsoft Account can click a link and start a "Wizard" that will take them through creating a free one. By the end of 2017 or before, all Drexel faculty, staff, students, and adjuncts will have a Drexel Microsoft Account with 5 TBs of space in the OneDrive "cloud."

We highly recommend that Mac and Windows users download and install the OneDrive client to their computers. If you would like us to install OneDrive for you, contact us at 215.895.2480 or

Additional Self-Help Documentation

Self-help guides are below.