Bb Collaborate Ultra -- Attendance Reports

You can see who attended a Bb Collaborate Ultra meeting in either the Course Room or a Scheduled Session.

For a Course Room, just click the circled ellipsis ellipsis icon in the Course Room area of the Bb Collaborate Ultra page.

And then click "View reports."

BbAtttendance1 3 dots View Reports.png

For a Scheduled Session, do the following *5 steps*.

  1. Click "All Upcoming Sessions" next to "Filter by."
  2. Click "All Previous Sessions."
    BbAttendance2 filter by All Prev sess.png
  3. Find the past session you want the attendance report for.
  4. Click the circled ellipsis ellipsis icon in the Course Room area of the Bb Collaborate Ultra page.
    And click "View reports."
    BbAttendance3 3 dots View Reports.png
  5. Click "View report."
    BbAttendance4 Attendance View Report.png
  6. You will then see the report.
  7. Bullet menu icons tell you when exactly someone left,
    if they left and re-joined multiple times.
    You can print this out, or export to CSV.
    CSV files can be opened with Microsoft Excel,
    or most any spreadsheet program or application.
    BbAttendance5 Printable Export to CSV.png