Adding Lab Sections Numbers in a XLIST of all Lab Sections

You can download user and grade information from "Full Grade Center" in Bb Learn as TXT or CSV file, make changes to that file, and then later upload that file to Bb Learn.

  1. Use “Create Column” in “Full Grade Center” to make a column called “Sections” (or what you will), set “Primary Display” to “Score," set “Points Possible” to 0, say “No” to “Include in Grade Center Calculations,” say “No” to “Show this column to students,” and click “Submit.”
  2. Get CRN numbers for all lab sections.
    1. Go to Drexel's WebTMS at
    2. Click current quarter under "Quarter Term Courses."
    3. Click "Col of Computing & Informatics."
    4. Click subject under "Subjects of Col of Computing & Informatics."

1.     Computing and Informatics = CI, Computer Science = CS, Computing Technology = CT, Information Science & Systems = INFO, Software Engineering = SE

    1. Write down CRNs for lab sections.

3.     Enter your lab XLIST Bb Learn course section

4.     Download user information from "Full Grade Center."

    1. Bb Learn Grade Center -- Downloading
    2. Name the file the same as the lab XLIST Bb Learn course section.
    3. If a pop-up message appears, click "Yes" to confirm that it's okay that the file format doesn't match the extension.
  1. Open the file you downloaded in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Copy the "Child Course ID" Column to a plain text editor. (Notepad++, Mac TextEdit, Mac BbEdit, Atom, Submlime, UltraEdit, etc.)
  3. Replace "Child Course ID" in the first row in plain text editor with "Lab Section" (without quotes).
  4. Use Find and Replace to remove all instances of ".20202" (without quotes), or whatever appears after the CRN numbers there.
    1. Replace them all with an empty field.
  5. Use Find and Replace to replace all instances of each CRN value with its corresponding lab section number.
  6. Insert a new column after the "Student ID" column (or before the first grade or total column) in the spreadsheet. 
  7. Name the column "Lab Section."
  8. Right-click the new "Lab Section" column. Click "Format Cells"> "Text" > "OK."
  9. Copy lab section numbers from the plain text editor to the new "Lab Section" column in the spreadsheet.
  10. Save your changes to the spreadsheet in CSV format.

Note: After you do the next section of instructions, 001 will become 1 in "Full Grade Center." 061 will become 61. And so on.

The instructions below tell you how to upload to Bb Learn from your computer a changed TXT or CSV file that you originally downloaded from "Full Grade Center."

  1. Click "Grade Center" in the "Control Panel" in the left-hand course menu in your Bb Learn course shell or shell.
  2. Click "Full Grade Center."
  3. Click "Work Offline."
  4. Click "Upload."
  5. Click "Browse My Computer." Locate and select the file to upload.
  6. Select "Delimiter" type. "Auto" attempts to detect the delimiter type automatically. "Comma" is for CSV files. "Tab" is for text files.
    1. If not sure, just use "Auto."
  7. On the "Upload Grades Confirmation" screen, review the list of data from the file to be uploaded.
    1. Clear the check boxes for any data to be excluded from the upload.
    2. Using this method, you can upload only the columns of data you want from the file.
    3. Review the Data Preview column to be sure the correct data is being uploaded. Data that appears incorrectly can denote an improperly formatted file.
    4. The data preview only shows a sample of the data in each column in the file.
    5. If you get an error about an unrecognized user, likely a student's user name was changed into something like a date.
      1. Example: dec16 becomes, December 16, 2020.
      2. If this happens, cancel the upload, open the .csv file in a plaint text editor, manually modify the user's name in question, save changes, and re-upload.
  8. After reviewing the upload data, click "Submit."
  9. A green confirmation message will appear on the "Full Grade Center" page when the upload is complete.
    1. Information about changes to column names or other changes might appear in the green message.
  10. Spot-check 3-4 users to make sure they have the correct lab and lecture information in accordance with their lab and lecture CRNs.

Again, Note: After you do the next section of instructions, 001 will become 1 in "Full Grade Center." 061 will become 61. And so on.

Additional information on uploading or downloading from "Full Grade Center" to work offline can be found at the links below.

This page also talks about how to format the file and how to upload comments for a single column.