Creating/Converting/Editing Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF Files
If you are a student without a copy of Microsoft Office installed on your computer currently, or need to create a PDF file, here are some ways you can create Word, Excel, or PDF files.Office365 Is Free to All Drexel Students
All Drexel students can access Microsoft Office 365 and download Office 2016 -- both of which include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more -- for free so long as they are a current student at Drexel.
Here is how students can access Microsoft Office 365 and download Office 2016.
1. Visit the webpage below.
2. Enter your Drexel email address in the box provided, and click "Get Started."
3. Click "I'm a student."
4. Click "Sign in."
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
(a) If asked, choose to use your school or student account.
(b) Login with your DrexelOne email and/or password when asked.
(c) After logging, the Office 365 homepage will have a link to install Office 2016.
6. After logging out, the next time you want to access Office 365, visit the webpage below, and click "Sign in" in the upper right.
(b) If asked, choose to use your school or student account.
(c) Login with your DrexelOne email and/or password when asked.
(d) After logging, the Office 365 homepage will have a link to install Office 2016.
Drexel ITG announced this to Drexel Students on 11/17/2014.
See the webpage below for this announcement.
Compose in Google Drive Online and Download a Word, Excel, or PDF File
With a free online Google or Gmail account, you can create a document or spreadsheet and download it as a Word or PDF file.1. If you don't have a Google or Gmail account, visit the link below and create one.
2. Once you have a Google or Gmail account, visit the Google Drive website at
3. Login.
4. Click "New."
5. Click "Google Docs" for a written assignment or click "Google Sheets" for a spreadsheet.
6. Create your assignment in your new online Google Docs or Google Sheets file.
7. When you are finished working on your assignment, click "File."
8. Click "Download as."
9. Choose "Microsoft Word" for a written assignment or click "Microsoft Excel" for a spreadsheet.
10. Save/download the Word or Excel file to somewhere on your computer.
11. Upload the Word or Excel file to the assignment in Bb Learn.
12. If you have problems submitting the Word or Excel file, repeat steps 9-11, but download the file as a "PDF Document" to your computer, and upload the PDF file to your assignment in Bb Learn.
Converting with Mac/iPhone Device
Convert Mac OS X Pages, Keynote, and Numbers Files to Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Mac OS X or macOS Pages, Numbers, and Keynote programs allows users to convert Pages, Numbers, or Keynote files to Microsoft Word (.docx), Microsoft Excel (.xlsx), and Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt).1. Click "File."
2. Click "Export To."
3. Click "Word" or "Excel" or "PowerPoint."
4. Save the file where you want on your computer.
Convert iPad or iPhone Pages, Keynote, and Numbers Files to Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
iPad or iPhone (iOS) Pages, Numbers, and Keynote apps allow users to convert Pages, Numbers, or Keynote files to Microsoft Word (.docx), Microsoft Excel (.xlsx), and Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx).1. Students should look for and click/tap the share icon while using the Pages, Numbers, or Keynote app/program.

2. Then click/tap "Send a Copy."
3. Then select the presentation, spreadsheet, or document they want to convert.
4. Then choose a format (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
5. The file will convert.
6. You can choose to send the converted file to yourself as an email or click "Send to...".
Word to PDF Conversion
- Click the "File" menu.
- Click "Save As".
- Choose "PDF" from the "File Format" drop-down menu.
- Select "Best for electronic distribution and accessibility."
- Choose where to save the file.
- Click "Save."
- Click "Allow" to allow Microsoft to convert the file.
Converting with Windows PC
Word to PDF Conversion
- Click the "File" menu.
- Click "Save As".
- Choose where to save the file.
- Choose "PDF" from the "Save as type" drop-down menu.
- Click "Save."
Converting with Google Drive Online
Convert Word or Excel to PDF with Google Drive Online
With a free online Google or Gmail account, you can convert your Word or Excel file to PDF.1. If you don't have a Google or Gmail account, visit the link below and create one.
2. Once you have a Google or Gmail account, visit the Google Drive website at
3. Login.
4. Click "New."
5. Click "File upload."
6. Find and select your Word or Excel file.
7. Open the Word or Excel file in the Google Drive website.
8. Click "Open with Google Docs" if you uploaded a Word file. Click "Open with Google Sheets" if you uploaded an Excel file.
9. Wait for your file to appear in a new page.
10. Click "File."
11. Click "Download as."
12. Choose "PDF Document".
13. Save/download the PDF file to somewhere on your computer. Upload the PDF file to the assignment in Bb Learn if you need to do so.
Converting with OpenOffice
Convert OpenOffice Files to Microsoft Office Files
Apache OpenOffice is an "open source office software suite" for Windows, Mac, or Linux that is a free alternative to Microsoft Office. "OpenOffice Writer" is the alternative to Microsoft Word. "OpenOffice Calc" is the alternative to Microsoft Excel. "OpenOffice Impress" is the alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint.1. Click "File."
2. Click "Save As..."
3. From the "Save as type:" drop-down menu, choose "Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP" or "Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls)" or "Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt)."
4. Choose where to save the file.
5. Edit the "File name" if you wish.
6. Click "Save."
7. You may need to click "Keep Current Format."
(a) If available, uncheck "Ask when not saving in ODF format."
Convert OpenOffice Files to PDF Files
Apache OpenOffice is an "open source office software suite" for Windows, Mac, or Linux that is a free alternative to Microsoft Office. "OpenOffice Writer" is the alternative to Microsoft Word. "OpenOffice Calc" is the alternative to Microsoft Excel. "OpenOffice Impress" is the alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint.1. Click "File."
2. Click "Export as PDF..."
3. Click "Export."
4. Choose where to save the file.
5. Edit the "File name" if you wish.
6. Click "Save."
Converting Using Adobe Acrobat Pro
Convert PDF to Word in Adobe Acrobat Pro
Option 1
- Open the PDF file to convert in Adobe Acrobat Pro.
- Clcik "file".
- Click "file save as other"
- Click "Microsoft"
- Choose whichever version of Word you think is best. Generally, it does not matter.
- Choose where to save the converted file.
Option 2
- Open "Adobe Pro DC" menu in top left, and select "Preferences."
- Go to "Convert from PDF" under "Categories," and select "Word Document" from "Converting From PDF."
- Click on "Edit Settings..." and select "Retain Page Layout."
- Click "OK." Then "OK" again. Then try export from PDF to Word again.
For Windows: Ctrl + a selects the whole document and then modify by clicking the tools section at the top left section of the page.
Note: Install Adobe Acrobat Pro -- Faculty and Staff Only. Faculty and staff can install Adobe Acrobat Pro by going to Microsoft Software Center or Mac Self Service application, and downloading and installing Adobe Acrobat. If you need assistance with this, contact
Webpage to PDF Conversion
You can print to PDF any webpage in Chrome or Firefox.
- Print the webpage as you normally would but either choose PDF or Adobe PDF for the printer option, or look for “Save As PDF” or “PDF” in the printer dialog window after your press Ctlr+P or Cmd+P or the print icon or file menu option