Kaltura Drexel Streams -- Downloading

If you own the video (you put it up in Kaltura or through Bb Learn), or are a co-editor or co-publisher.

  1. Go to https://drexel.edu/it/streams
    & login with Drexel email and password (if prompted).
  2. Click "My Media."
  3. Search for the video,
    and click the pencil icon next to it,
    or click on the video, scroll down to "Actions,"
    and choose to edit the video.
  4. You should see a download icon under the video player window in the Edit view for the video.

If you are a co-editor or co-publisher, and still cannot find it,
click "Filters," and make sure all "Ownership" options are selected.

If you are not an owner, co-editor, or co-publisher, someone will need to provide you with a link to the video. The video player window in Bb Learn course section won't provide the ability to Download. Instructors, see next section for how to enable that.

Instructors or the media owner may need to allow downloads first. If so, see below.